Thursday, September 22, 2011

Freezer Cooking Update

As I mentioned in my first post of the day, I attempted Freezer Cooking today. Results? So far so good! I made everything on my list except Zucchini Bread which I will probably make tomorrow and take to work. I have 6 cups of shredded zucchini in my freezer that I want to get rid of. It was actually not that bad making all of those things! The only thing that I actually had to cook was some meat so the kitchen didn't get hot and sticky. It was mostly just assembling dishes, wrapping them and washing dishes. Surprisingly, my kitchen is clean at the moment since I cleaned as I went.

Here is what I found out today:
 The lasagna didn't have meat in it, so I added some of my own lest the husband complain.
 The manicotti stuffing didn't quite fit the amount of shells that it said it would, but I still got 6 out of it.
 The mexican lasagna sauce was double the amount that I needed, so I froze some for next time.
 I accidentally opened a can of chili beans instead of black beans... oops. Froze those too.
 While cooking my chicken I accidentally made homemade chicken broth! Added bonus!

My freezers are stuffed to the max. Which is good.. but what if I find a good deal on something that is frozen? Bigger freezer for Christmas? ;P  Overall I feel a great sense of accomplishment and am kind of in awe at the fact that I have so many dinners made! It's awesome! Whoo hoo!

The Vegetable Beef soup smells amazing and I can't wait to try it! Recipes to come!

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