Friday, September 2, 2011

Getting the most out of your coupons!

So, now you have coupons and they're organized and pretty. Now, how do you use your coupons in the most effective way? COMBINE THEM WITH SALES!! Coupons are a lot like poker. You have to know when to hold them and know when to fold them! Remember, just because you have a coupon doesn't mean you have to use it! Using coupons with a good sale helps you get the most bang for your buck. When there is a good sale, don't just buy one, buy enough to tide your family over for at least 3-6 months, or as many as you have coupons for! Be realistic and only buy things that your family will use. If it's a really good deal and you just have to buy it but won't use it, consider donating it to a shelter. We have a box of items that I got for free that we will be donating soon. 

Create your own stockpile
1. Write a list of everything that you and your family use on a regular basis. Go through your cupboards, bathroom etc. Type in up in categories. Now you have a list of things that you can start a stockpile of. Go slowly! Rome was not built in a day and neither are stockpiles. Cross them off as you go! It's fun to see how far you have come!
2. Write down non-sale prices of things that you normally buy. This way you know when there is a good sale! Also keep track of the sale prices! This will help you determine if it really is a good sale or not!
3. Organization is key for your stockpile too. Just as with coupons, if you can't find the product you need, then you can't use it! Get a shelf and put it in your basement or garage ( if it's temperature controlled and no pests). Get a deep freezer! They're not that expensive and will save you tons! You can freeze things like bread, dairy, meat, fruit and vegetables (from your garden ;) )!!!

Stockpiling will save you so much money in the long run if you have room for it! We spend 30-70 dollars a week in groceries for a family of 4. We used to spend at least 200-250 a week. Think about the savings. It adds up. 

Follow my blog and I'll keep you updated on what's on sale at Kroger, Walgreens, CVS, Target and occasionally Schnucks! 

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